I found a cute haiku about the the Cardinals.
I found myself wondering if the Dizzying referred to Dizzy Dean, the great St. Louis pitcher. He's before my time as a player, but I loved him as a national tv broadcaster in the early to mid-sixties with P.W. Reese.
"That's a blue darter!"
Have a nice, good day and let's play ball!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Cardinals Haiku-Dizzy Dean
Posted by
12:26 PM
July 2 Picks
Yesterday I went 2 and 3. My y-t-d totals are 17 and 13 for 56%. I'm still ahead of the coin, but I'm no longer leaving the coin in the dust, so I apologize to the dreaded, fickle disk.
One of my wins yesterday was CWS over the Cubbies. I was routing all the way and excited to see the Cubs be ahead with two out and nobody on. Dempsey could have been a hero instead of a goat, but his failure to to close out against pinch hitter Gload after having a 1-2 count and failing to field a ground, he walked Dye on five pitches and served up a hanging slider to Pierzynski that ended up on Sheffield avenue.
You should have heard Ron Santos. As soon as Dempsey missed the grounder, he began to sense the beginning of the end. "I don't like feeling like this," he said while Dempster was walking Dye. Ron is a very good color man and I love listening to his comments during the games, but this one was hard to take. That's baseball.
On the local level, the Mariners are sitting alone in second place. I still expect them to collapse, but will be glad to be wrong.
Today's picks:
Tigers over PiratesDetroit may be the best team in baseball right now. They certainly have one of the premier managers.
Cardinals over Royals
Oakland over Arizona
Rangers over the Astros
Mariners over Rockies
I've got to keep picking the Cardinals and picking against the Royals. There's something wrong with the baseball karma in Missouri, but it's got to straighten out soon.
Zito will not let Oakland be swept by the lowly D-backs.
Tough call with Rangers over Astros, but the AL has been cleaning the NL's clock.
Tough call for the Mariners, too. Washburn hasn't panned out, but he seems to be hot and cold. Last time he was cold.
Have a nice, good day and let's play ball!
Posted by
7:29 AM